In The Muppets, three devoted Muppet fans, Gary, Mary, and Walter, discover that an evil oil tycoon named Tex Richman plans to drill for oil under the beloved Muppet Theater. Determined to save their favorite theater, the trio embarks on a mission to locate the dispersed Muppet gang and reunite them for one final performance.
However, finding the Muppets proves to be a challenging task. Kermit the Frog, now living a lonely life in his own mansion in Hollywood, is reluctant to gather the gang back together. The Great Gonzo has become a successful high-class plumber at Gonzo's Royal Flush, while Fozzie Bear performs with a tribute band called The Moopets. Miss Piggy, now a plus-size fashion editor at Vogue Paris, has moved on from her past life with the Muppets, and Animal is receiving anger management treatment at a celebrity rehab center.
Despite the odds, Gary, Mary, and Walter persist in their quest. As they gather the eclectic Muppet performers, they face numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. Will the Muppets be able to put on a show in time and save the Muppet Theater from Richman's devious plans?
The Muppets is a heartwarming and hilarious adventure that pays homage to the beloved Muppet characters while introducing a new generation to their timeless charm. Join the Muppets on their extraordinary journey filled with laughter, music, and friendship as they strive to save their cherished theater.