In the dark and mysterious world of The Moth Diaries (2011), Rebecca finds herself suspicious of the enigmatic new student at her boarding school, Ernessa. As the two girls form an unlikely friendship, Rebecca becomes increasingly convinced that Ernessa has a hidden and menacing secret. The tension escalates when Ernessa develops a close bond with their mutual friend, Lucie, leaving Rebecca feeling jealous and isolated.
Haunted by the recent suicide of her father, Rebecca begins to obsess over the possibility of vampirism, believing that Ernessa may be a vampire preying on their fellow classmates. As Rebecca delves deeper into her investigation, she becomes consumed by her suspicions, jeopardizing her own mental stability and the relationships around her.
Directed by Mary Harron and based on the novel by Rachel Klein, The Moth Diaries is a haunting and atmospheric psychological drama that explores themes of jealousy, obsession, and the blurred lines between reality and imagination. As the story unfolds, viewers are left questioning the true nature of Ernessa and the price Rebecca is willing to pay to unravel the truth.
With its complex characters and eerie setting, The Moth Diaries is sure to captivate audiences looking for a unique and thought-provoking cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
The Moth DiariesRelease Date:
17 May 2012Writers:
Rachel Klein, Mary HarronAwards:
1 nomination