The Mick is a hilarious comedy series that revolves around Mackenzie Mickey Murphy, a no-nonsense and audacious woman with a penchant for smoking and living life on the edge. When her sister flees the country to escape a legal battle, Mickey finds herself in the affluent setting of Greenwich, CT, tasked with raising her sister's spoiled children.
As Mickey adjusts to her new role as a surrogate parent, she quickly realizes that her sister's children are nothing short of terrible. From their entitled attitudes to their unruly behavior, these kids test Mickey's patience at every turn.
With her unapologetic and unconventional approach, Mickey navigates the challenges of parenting while breaking all the rules. Whether she's dealing with their extravagant demands or meddling in their privileged lives, Mickey always finds a way to turn chaos into comedy.
As the series progresses, Mickey forms unexpected bonds with the children and the residents of Greenwich. Her unfiltered, no-holds-barred personality wins over the audience, making her an unlikely and endearing hero.
The Mick is a laugh-out-loud comedy that explores the hilarious and outrageous escapades of a woman thrown into the chaotic world of parenting. With its bold humor and unforgettable characters, this series is a must-watch for those seeking a comedic escape.
Also Known As:
The MickRelease Date:
01 Jan 2017Writers:
Dave Chernin, John CherninAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination