The Mentalist (2008–2015) is a gripping crime drama that revolves around the life of Patrick Jane, a former psychic turned consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI). The plot unravels after a notorious serial killer named Red John murders Jane's wife and daughter, pushing him to dedicate his life to hunting down and killing Red John. Jane's exceptional gift for observation and his mentalist tricks enable him to close an unprecedented number of cases, making his assistance valuable to the CBI team investigating the Red John case, led by Senior Agent Teresa Lisbon.
However, Jane's unorthodox and often illegal methods attract both praise and censure. While his contributions prove to be a blessing for the team, they also bring much criticism to Lisbon's leadership. As the series progresses, the gripping hunt for Red John continues, with each episode providing new twists and turns.
The Mentalist combines elements of crime, mystery, and psychological thriller to deliver intense storylines and character development. The show's success lies in its ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, constantly guessing the identity of Red John and questioning the lengths to which Jane will go in his pursuit of justice.
With its compelling storyline and intriguing characters, The Mentalist offers an engaging and addictive viewing experience for fans of the crime genre.
Also Known As:
The MentalistRelease Date:
23 Sep 2008Writers:
Bruno HellerAwards:
Nominated for 1 Golden Globe. Another 4 wins & 15 nominations.