In The Man Who Loved UFOs (2024), viewers are transported to Argentina in 1986, where journalist José de Zer embarks on a unique journey with his cameraman that delves into the mysterious realm of extraterrestrial encounters. The duo travel to Córdoba in pursuit of an unconventional proposal, leading them to a burnt patch in the hills where they encounter an alleged alien presence. Through a series of increasingly bizarre staged scenes, they capture this otherworldly phenomenon for their news show, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a thought-provoking exploration of belief, perception, and the human fascination with the unknown. The Man Who Loved UFOs offers a captivating and intriguing look into the world of UFO sightings and the individuals who are drawn to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Get ready to be immersed in a journey that challenges perceptions and leaves viewers questioning the boundaries of reality.
Also Known As:
The Man Who Loved UFOsRelease Date:
18 Oct 2024Writers:
Adrián Biniez, Diego LermanAwards:
1 nomination