The Love Punch is a humorous and charming film that follows the story of Richard and Kate, a divorced couple who still maintain a friendly relationship. Richard, on the brink of retirement, faces a crisis when he finds out that his company's assets, including the pension fund, have been frozen due to an investigation. Determined to take matters into their own hands, Richard and Kate embark on an unexpected adventure as they chase down the owner of the company who has fled the country.
As they delve deeper into the situation, Richard and Kate discover that the owner has no regard for his employees' well-being. Motivated by their desire to secure the pension funds, the couple formulates a risky plan: steal the valuable diamond the owner has gifted his girlfriend. In an attempt to carry out their mission, Kate infiltrates the girlfriend's inner circle and gets closer to her.
With a perfect blend of comedy, action, and adventure, The Love Punch takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride filled with twists and turns. As Richard and Kate navigate their way through the complexities of their plan, audiences will be captivated by their determination and the unexpected chemistry that arises between the former couple.
Join Richard and Kate in this delightful and light-hearted film as they prove that even divorce cannot deter their shared ambition and friendship, all in the name of securing a brighter future for themselves and their colleagues.