In the heartwarming film The Long Game (2023), viewers are taken on a journey back to 1955, where five passionate Mexican-American caddies decided to pursue their love for golf by creating their own golf course in the South Texas desert. The film serves as an inspiring tale of determination, friendship, and the power of dreams.
As these young men work tirelessly to master the game they love, they face challenges and obstacles along the way. Despite the odds stacked against them, they persevere with unwavering dedication and a strong sense of camaraderie.
Through their bond and shared passion for golf, the caddies learn valuable life lessons and discover the true meaning of friendship and resilience. The Long Game is a touching story that showcases the importance of following one's dreams, no matter the circumstances or obstacles that may arise.
Join us on this poignant and uplifting journey as we witness the incredible story of these five young men who defied the odds to chase their passion for golf and create something truly remarkable in the midst of the desert.
Also Known As:
The Long GameRelease Date:
12 Apr 2024Writers:
Paco Farias, Humberto G. Garcia, Julio QuintanaAwards:
1 win