The Last Thing He Wanted is a gripping thriller adapted from Joan Didion's novel of the same name. The story revolves around a seasoned journalist in Washington D.C. named Elena McMahon, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she embarks on a mission for her father. In an attempt to alleviate her guilt and reconnect with her estranged father, Elena becomes entangled in a dangerous conspiracy, completely losing control of her own narrative.
As the protagonist finds herself trapped between her journalistic instincts and her personal obligations, she becomes an unwitting subject in the story she was initially trying to report. With a strong cast including Anne Hathaway, Ben Affleck, and Willem Dafoe, this film explores the blurred lines between truth and deception, power and manipulation.
The Last Thing He Wanted promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful plot and intriguing characters. With powerful performances, stunning visuals, and a thought-provoking storyline, this movie is a must-watch for fans of thrilling political dramas. Don't miss out on this gripping tale of a journalist navigating through a web of secrets and lies.
Also Known As:
The Last Thing He WantedRelease Date:
21 Feb 2020Writers:
Joan Didion (novel), Dee Rees (screenplay), Marco Villalobos (screenplay)