In The Last Norwegian Cowboy, viewers are introduced to 92-year-old John Hoiland, a resilient and independent rancher operating his vast Montana property single-handedly. Despite numerous offers from wealthy individuals eager to purchase his land, John's devotion to his ranch is not solely based on its monetary value. Instead, it is rooted in the profound sense of freedom and fulfillment he experiences while working his own land.
As the story unfolds, audiences witness John's daily challenges and triumphs as he navigates the harsh realities of maintaining his ranch in the face of mounting pressure to sell. Through poignant reflections and heartfelt moments, viewers are given a glimpse into John's unwavering dedication to his way of life, highlighting the unique bond he shares with his land.
Ultimately, The Last Norwegian Cowboy provides a thought-provoking exploration of the intrinsic worth of personal freedom and the deep connection between individuals and the land they call home. Join John on his remarkable journey as he defies expectations and embraces the true meaning of independence in this captivating and inspiring film.
Also Known As:
The Last Norwegian CowboyRelease Date:
22 Oct 2021Writers:
Frode Fimland, Elisabeth KleppeAwards:
1 nomination