In The Last Diamond (2014), Simon, a recently paroled thief, is enticed by his friend Albert to partake in one final heist, stealing the invaluable diamond known as Florentin. However, Simon's carefully crafted plan quickly crumbles and attracts attention from a host of dangerous individuals, including gangsters and relentless killers.
As Simon navigates the treacherous underworld, he must outmaneuver these volatile characters, each with their own motivations for obtaining the legendary diamond. With time running out and the stakes escalating, Simon faces the daunting task of staying one step ahead of his adversaries to secure his freedom and a future free from a life of crime.
The Last Diamond is a gripping thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow Simon's harrowing journey filled with twists, turns, and unexpected obstacles. Filled with tension and adrenaline-pumping sequences, the film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of one's past actions.
Directed by Eric Barbier, The Last Diamond is a visually stunning and expertly crafted film. With its intricate plot and compelling characters, this French-language crime thriller promises a thrilling cinematic experience that will captivate audiences until the very end. Get ready to embark on a high-stakes adventure where the pursuit for the last diamond could prove to be a deadly game.