In the gripping and suspenseful film The King Tide (2023), the tranquil existence of an island village is disrupted when their mayor stumbles upon a child with extraordinary abilities washed ashore. As the villagers grapple with the implications of the child's powers, tensions rise and the community becomes divided over whether the child is a saviour or a threat. The once peaceful village descends into chaos as rival factions clash, each convinced they hold the key to the child's fate.
Through a harrowing narrative, The King Tide explores complex themes of power, fear, and humanity, forcing the characters to confront their own beliefs and motivations. As the struggle for control escalates, the lines between right and wrong blur, and the villagers must grapple with the consequences of their actions.
With a talented cast and stunning cinematography, The King Tide is a gripping tale of morality and consequence that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the final, pulse-pounding conclusion.
Also Known As:
The King TideRelease Date:
26 Apr 2024Writers:
KC Coughlin, Ryan Grassby, Albert ShinAwards:
3 wins & 6 nominations