In The Kid Detective, the protagonist is a former child prodigy detective who finds himself stuck in a rut as a 32-year-old. Despite his once-celebrated status, he now spends his days solving trivial mysteries between hangovers and moments of self-pity. However, everything changes when a naive client approaches him with his first adult case.
The client seeks his help in uncovering the truth about her boyfriend's brutal murder. This case presents a challenging and dangerous opportunity for the detective to prove himself in the adult world of law enforcement.
As the detective delves deeper into the investigation, he encounters a host of quirky and eccentric characters who gradually help him put together the pieces of the puzzle. The film masterfully blends elements of mystery, comedy, and drama to create a unique narrative.
The Kid Detective serves as a character study that explores themes of redemption, self-discovery, and personal growth. It showcases the detective's journey from a washed-up has-been to a determined sleuth, determined to solve this high-stakes case.
Leading actor Adam Brody delivers a standout performance, portraying the complexities of the detective with nuance and charm. With its clever storytelling and unexpected twists, The Kid Detective offers a refreshing take on the detective genre.
This critically acclaimed film combines humor, suspense, and poignancy, making it a must-watch for fans of crime mysteries and character-driven stories.
Also Known As:
The Kid DetectiveRelease Date:
16 Oct 2020Writers:
Evan MorganAwards:
5 nominations