The Iron Orchard is a captivating film set in 1939, which follows the journey of Jim McNeely, a determined young man who finds himself amidst the unforgiving oilfields of West Texas. With a vibrant and brutal backdrop, the film explores the trials and triumphs that Jim faces as he navigates his way through the ranks of the oil industry.
Driven by ambition and a desire for success, Jim works tirelessly to rise through the ranks and become a formidable wildcatter. Along the way, he encounters various challenges, both personal and professional, as he learns the ins and outs of the oil industry.
The film offers a gritty and authentic portrayal of the oilfields, highlighting the harsh realities and cutthroat nature of the business. Through its vivid storytelling and captivating visuals, The Iron Orchard immerses viewers into the world of the 1930s oilfields, shedding light on the sacrifices and struggles of those who relentlessly pursued their dreams.
As Jim's journey unfolds, audiences are taken on a thrilling ride filled with unexpected twists and turns. Fueled by passion, determination, and a relentless drive to succeed, Jim's story serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.
The Iron Orchard is a must-watch for anyone fascinated by the history of the oil industry or those who enjoy a gripping tale of perseverance and ambition.
Also Known As:
The Iron OrchardRelease Date:
22 Feb 2019Writers:
Gerry De Leon, Ty RobertsAwards:
4 wins & 10 nominations