In this thrilling period drama set in 19th century Baltimore, a young girl named Isabel finds herself overcome with grief after the sudden and tragic death of her parents. Seeking solace and a fresh start, she makes the decision to commit herself to the Rosewood Institute, a renowned institution known for its unconventional and controversial methods of treating mental illness. However, once inside the walls of the institute, Isabel quickly discovers that things are not as they seem.
As she delves deeper into the workings of Rosewood, Isabel becomes the subject of cruel and increasingly violent experiments in personality modification, brainwashing, and mind control. Determined to escape the clutches of the institute and seek revenge against those who have tormented her, Isabel must navigate a treacherous web of deceit and uncover the truth behind Rosewood's sinister practices.
The Institute is a riveting tale of one woman's fight for freedom and justice in the face of extreme adversity. Directed by James Franco and Pamela Romanowsky, the film offers a thrilling blend of psychological suspense and historical drama, transporting viewers into a world where the lines between sanity and madness blur. With its mesmerizing visuals and captivating performances, The Institute is a must-watch for fans of period thrillers and mind-bending narratives.