In The Howling: Reborn (2011), on the brink of high school graduation, Will Kidman finds himself developing a connection with the elusive Eliana Wynter, the girl he has long desired. However, their blossoming romance takes an unexpected turn when Will uncovers a hidden truth about himself - he is destined to become a werewolf. Determined to protect their love and their lives, Will and Eliana must confront not only Will's increasing bloodlust but also a ruthless army of creatures set on annihilating them and humanity as a whole.
As the couple fights against their impending fate, they navigate through a world of terror and chaos, with no one to trust but each other. Will faces a constant struggle to restrain his inner beast while Eliana serves as his anchor, supporting him in their battle against the relentless werewolves. Together, they strive to defy destiny and save themselves from a horrifying future.
The Howling: Reborn delivers a thrilling mix of romance, horror, and action, captivating viewers with its intense storyline and engaging characters. This modern werewolf tale takes audiences on a gripping journey filled with danger, heartache, and the unwavering power of love. Will Will and Eliana be able to triumph over their own inner demons and the vicious pack that hunts them? Find out in this adrenaline-pumping film that keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.