The Hoarder (2015) is a suspenseful horror film that follows a woman named Ella, who becomes suspicious of her boyfriend when she discovers he is renting a secret storage unit. Believing he may be hiding an affair, Ella enlists the help of her best friend Molly to break into the facility.
However, their investigation takes a terrifying turn when they find themselves trapped inside the dark building with a group of strangers, all exhibiting neurotic behaviors. As they try to find a way out, they realize that people are mysteriously disappearing one by one.
As Ella delves deeper into the dark depths of the storage facility, she uncovers even more horrifying secrets. It becomes a battle for her life as she discovers the truth behind the disappearances and the sinister forces that are at play.
The Hoarder is a suspenseful thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as Ella and Molly desperately try to escape the clutches of eternal enslavement. With unexpected twists and intense moments, this film explores the horrifying consequences of secrets and the lengths one will go to uncover the truth.