In The Highway Rat (2017), viewers are taken on a thrilling adventure with a greedy rat who roams the highway in pursuit of stealing food from other animals. This animated film, based on the popular children's book by Julia Donaldson, brings a mischievous and cunning character to life as he goes on a rampage to satisfy his insatiable hunger.
As the Highway Rat encounters various creatures along his path, including a clever duck and a fearless squirrel, his selfish ways lead to humorous and unpredictable situations. The vibrant animation and catchy songs make this a delightful watch for audiences of all ages, with valuable lessons interwoven throughout the narrative.
The Highway Rat is a charming and entertaining film that teaches important moral lessons about greed, selfishness, and the value of sharing. It is a heartwarming story that showcases the power of friendship and redemption, making it a perfect choice for family movie night. Join the Highway Rat on his journey and discover the true meaning of kindness and generosity in this captivating animated adventure.
Also Known As:
The Highway RatRelease Date:
25 Dec 2017Writers:
Julia Donaldson, Jeroen Jaspaert, Axel SchefflerAwards:
3 wins & 2 nominations