The Golden Child is a thrilling action-comedy film from 1986, centered around a private detective who specializes in finding missing children. Eddie Murphy delivers a charismatic performance as Chandler Jarrell, a reluctant hero tasked with a crucial mission to locate a special child known as The Golden Child.
Set in Los Angeles, Jarrell's quest begins when a powerful mysterious man named Sardo Numspa kidnaps a Tibetan child, who possesses extraordinary powers. As the last hope to save the child and prevent evil forces from obtaining untold power, Jarrell embarks on an exciting, perilous adventure.
With a blend of mysticism, martial arts, and Murphy's comedic genius, the film takes us on an entertaining rollercoaster ride through the streets of LA, the mystical land of Tibet, and other exotic locations. Along the journey, Jarrell encounters a range of eccentric characters, including a beautiful woman named Kee Nang, who becomes both his love interest and ally.
Directed by Michael Ritchie, The Golden Child is an enchanting mix of action, comedy, and fantasy, suitable for audiences of all ages. Its intriguing plot, captivating performances, and stunning special effects make it a must-watch film. Join Eddie Murphy on his quest to save The Golden Child and experience an unforgettable adventure filled with danger and laughter.
Also Known As:
The Golden ChildRelease Date:
12 Dec 1986Writers:
Dennis FeldmanAwards:
2 nominations.