In The Garfield Movie, the beloved feline Garfield is unexpectedly reunited with his long-lost father, the scruffy alley cat Vic. Their reunion leads Garfield and his canine sidekick Odie on a wild adventure as they are thrust into a risky heist orchestrated by Vic. The trio must navigate a world vastly different from Garfield's usual pampered life, facing challenges that test their unlikely bond.
As they embark on their daring mission, Garfield, Odie, and Vic find themselves in humorous and heartwarming situations that showcase the importance of family and friendship. Through their escapades, the trio learns valuable lessons about loyalty, courage, and the true meaning of belonging.
Filled with laughter, excitement, and heartwarming moments, The Garfield Movie is a delightful family film that will entertain audiences of all ages. Join Garfield, Odie, and Vic on their unforgettable journey as they discover the power of love and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges.
Also Known As:
The Garfield MovieRelease Date:
24 May 2024Writers:
Paul A. Kaplan, Mark Torgove, David Reynolds