In the supernatural comedy-thriller The Frighteners (1996), directed by Peter Jackson, a man named Frank Bannister grapples with his ability to communicate with the dead following a tragic car accident that claimed his wife’s life. Overwhelmed by grief, Frank decides to use his extraordinary gift to con people by pretending to banish ghosts from their homes. However, his scheming ways take an unexpected turn when a malevolent and murderous spirit arrives in town. Realizing that he possesses the power to see this demonic apparition, Frank becomes determined to stop it from slaughtering both the living and the departed.
As the body count rises, Frank joins forces with a quirky trio of ghost colleagues, including a 1970s detective, to investigate the sinister being's origins and find a way to defeat it. Along their exhilarating journey, they uncover shocking secrets and face terrifying encounters with the paranormal.
With its perfect blend of horror, comedy, and suspense, The Frighteners offers audiences a uniquely entertaining experience. Boasting spectacular visual effects and a captivating storyline, this film masterfully combines humor and scares to deliver an exhilarating and unforgettable cinematic experience. Delve into this chilling and humorous supernatural world, and join Frank Bannister on his extraordinary quest to protect the living and the dead from an ancient evil.
Also Known As:
The FrightenersRelease Date:
19 Jul 1996Writers:
Fran Walsh, Peter JacksonAwards:
3 wins & 16 nominations