In the critically acclaimed film The Favourite, set in early 18th-century England, the delicate balance of power at court is disrupted when a new servant named Abigail arrives and captivates Queen Anne. The movie follows the intricate and darkly comedic power struggle that ensues between Abigail, Queen Anne’s long-time confidante Lady Sarah, and Abigail's determined pursuit of influence and status. Tensions rise as the two women compete for the Queen's favor, utilizing manipulation, charm, and cunning tactics.
The Favourite is a visually stunning period piece that expertly delves into the complex dynamics of relationships, as the characters navigate treacherous waters in a quest for power and survival. The film boasts masterful performances from its stellar cast, with Olivia Colman delivering a stunning portrayal of Queen Anne, portraying her vulnerability and unpredictability with impeccable skill. Emma Stone shines as Abigail, giving a mesmerizing performance that perfectly captures her character's transformation from innocent servant to cunning manipulator.
Filled with dark humor, political intrigue, and unexpected twists, The Favourite offers a fresh take on the historical drama genre. Director Yorgos Lanthimos brings his unique visual style to the film, creating a visually striking experience that perfectly complements the richly layered narrative. With its meticulous attention to detail and thought-provoking storytelling, The Favourite is a must-watch for fans of period dramas and those seeking a captivating and thought-provoking film.
Also Known As:
The FavouriteRelease Date:
21 Dec 2018Writers:
Deborah Davis, Tony McNamaraAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 180 wins & 345 nominations total