In the animated comedy film The Emperor's New Groove (2000), Emperor Kuzco finds himself transformed into a llama by his scheming ex-administrator Yzma. Now a four-legged creature, Kuzco must team up with Pacha, a kind-hearted llama herder, to reclaim his rightful place on the throne.
Set in the vibrant and adventurous Incan Empire, this uproarious film follows the hilarious and heartfelt journey of Kuzco and Pacha as they navigate through treacherous jungles and perilous obstacles. Along the way, they encounter zany characters, unpredictable antics, and valuable life lessons.
As the unlikely duo strives to outsmart Yzma, who is determined to maintain her grip on the power she seized, audiences will be treated to a blend of comedy, heart, and a sprinkle of romance. This fan-favorite film is known for its clever humor, colorful animation, catchy soundtrack, and memorable characters.
The Emperor's New Groove offers an entertaining combination of whimsical storytelling and lovable characters, making it a family-friendly choice for viewers of all ages. With its vibrant visuals and comedic flair, this movie guarantees an enjoyable and unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
The Emperor's New GrooveRelease Date:
15 Dec 2000Writers:
Chris Williams, Mark Dindal, David ReynoldsAwards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. 7 wins & 27 nominations total