The Durrells is a heartwarming and humorous TV series that follows the story of Louisa Durrell and her four children as they cope with their father's death and financial struggles. After facing a financial crisis in 1935, the family makes a life-changing decision and moves to the beautiful Greek island of Corfu.
Louisa, a strong-willed and resourceful woman, takes on the challenge of raising her children on her own. Each of her children possesses unique qualities and quirks, adding to the charm of the family dynamic. Larry, the eldest, is a struggling writer; Leslie has an insatiable love for animals; Margo is a free-spirited young woman; and the youngest, Gerry, is a curious and nature-loving boy.
As the Durrells adjust to their newfound island life, they must overcome language barriers, cultural differences, and the hilarious antics that arise from their unconventional lifestyle. They encounter eccentric locals, form unexpected friendships, and embark on exciting escapades that bring them closer together as a family.
The Durrells beautifully captures the Durrell family's journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the power of embracing change. With stunning cinematography showcasing the breathtaking landscapes of Corfu, this series offers a delightful escape into a world filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.
Also Known As:
The DurrellsRelease Date:
16 Oct 2016Awards:
Nominated for 4 BAFTA 4 wins & 12 nominations total