The Dark Divide (2020) is a captivating film that chronicles the incredible journey of Robert Pyle, a renowned butterfly expert, portrayed by David Cross. Set in the summer of 1995, the movie takes viewers on a life-changing trek through an essential and unprotected wilderness in America.
Pyle faces numerous challenges and adventures as he navigates the untamed terrain. Along the way, he encounters a diverse range of characters, both human and animal, who test his resilience and push him to his limits. As he immerses himself in the unspoiled beauty of nature, Pyle's encounters with rare butterflies and other wildlife leave a profound impact on him.
Directed by Tom Putnam, The Dark Divide is a thought-provoking exploration of self-discovery and the human connection to nature. It beautifully highlights the vulnerability of our planet's ecosystems and the urgent need for conservation efforts. Through stunning cinematography, the film showcases the captivating wildlands of America while raising awareness about their fragile existence.
With its compelling storyline and expertly delivered performances, The Dark Divide is a must-watch for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those seeking inspiration. It serves as a reminder of the power of the natural world and how it has the ability to transform our lives.
Also Known As:
The Dark DivideRelease Date:
18 Sep 2020Writers:
Tom Putnam, Robert M. Pyle (based on the book by)Awards:
1 nomination.