In the film The Damned United (2009), the story revolves around Brian Clough, a former successful manager who takes over England's premier football club, Leeds United. Clough's confrontational style and his disdain for the team's aggressive playing tactics create immediate tensions. Flashbacks to his past provide context for his animosity towards his predecessor, Don Revie, and his longing for his trusted partner, Peter Taylor, who remains loyal to Brighton & Hove Albion.
As the narrative unfolds, viewers are taken through Clough's tumultuous tenure at Leeds United, his clashes with the players, and the strained relationship with the club's board. Amidst the chaos, the film showcases Clough's determination to leave his mark on the club, despite the odds stacked against him.
The Damned United is not just a football drama; it delves into the complexities of relationships, loyalty, and the price of ambition. The film explores Clough's character, revealing his flaws and vulnerabilities, while shedding light on the sacrifices he made for his career. Ultimately, it presents a nuanced portrayal of a man who, despite his abrasive nature, seeks redemption and recognition in an intensely competitive world.
With its gripping narrative and strong performances, The Damned United offers an engaging viewing experience for both football enthusiasts and those interested in character-driven dramas.
Also Known As:
The Damned UnitedRelease Date:
27 Mar 2009Writers:
Peter Morgan, David PeaceAwards:
5 nominations