In the movie The Cured set in a post-apocalyptic world, a previously incurable disease that transformed people into violent zombies has finally been cured. However, the once-infected, now cured individuals face severe discrimination from society and even their own families, leading to deep-seated social problems. As tension rises, the government takes a militant approach to maintain control.
The Cured explores the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, focusing on the challenges faced by those who have recovered from the disease. Despite their successful rehabilitation, the cured individuals are regarded as dangerous and outcast by society, hindering their reintegration into everyday life.
Moreover, the film portrays the impact of this discrimination on personal relationships, particularly within families. As the stigma intensifies, familial bonds become strained, further marginalizing the cured individuals and causing emotional turmoil.
To address these issues, the government enacts strict policies and wields its power with a heavy hand. This militaristic intervention aims to control and regulate the cured population, but it also fuels resentment and sparks resistance among the affected individuals.
The Cured presents a thought-provoking narrative on prejudice, discrimination, and the consequences of living in a society grappling with fear and mistrust. Through its dystopian setting and compelling characters, the film offers a gripping exploration of the complexities surrounding the process of healing and rebuilding a shattered world.
Also Known As:
The CuredRelease Date:
23 Feb 2018Writers:
David FreyneAwards:
2 nominations