The Culture High is a thought-provoking documentary that delves deep into the contentious issue of marijuana prohibition. Produced by the creators of the acclaimed film The Union: The Business Behind Getting High, this film seeks to uncover the truth behind the arguments and motivations of both supporters and opponents of current marijuana laws.
Through interviews with experts, activists, politicians, and everyday individuals impacted by the marijuana industry, The Culture High scrutinizes the social, cultural, and political factors that shape the ongoing battle over marijuana legalization. Viewers are presented with a comprehensive examination of the societal consequences of prohibition, as well as the economic and medical benefits that some believe marijuana legalization could bring.
The documentary challenges widely held misconceptions about marijuana, shedding light on the factors that have perpetuated its prohibition for so long. It explores the criminal justice system's role in perpetuating the war on drugs, as well as the racial disparities in marijuana enforcement.
Ultimately, The Culture High aims to provoke a deeper understanding of the complex issue surrounding marijuana by examining the historical, cultural, and economic factors influencing its prohibition. With its compelling storytelling and expert analysis, this documentary is a must-watch for those seeking a well-rounded examination of the marijuana debate.