The Crossing 2 is a captivating historical drama set in 1940s Taiwan and Shanghai, which revolves around the tragic event of the sinking of Taiping in 1949. The film beautifully depicts the intertwined love stories of three couples, highlighting the power of love in the midst of chaos.
The first couple, Zhang Wenyan and Sister Hua, are faced with the challenges of a forbidden love affair due to social differences. Their relationship embodies the sacrifices and struggles many faced during this tumultuous period.
The second couple, Xiaozhen and Steward Hong, share a passionate love affair that is tested when Steward Hong enlists in the military. Their unwavering commitment to each other gives them strength in the face of uncertainty and danger.
The third couple, Xie Xiang and Feina, find themselves torn apart as they escape the war-torn Taiwan to seek refuge in Shanghai. Despite the physical distance, their love remains strong, and they cling to the hope of being reunited.
The Crossing 2 transports viewers back in time, offering a glimpse into the lives of these couples and the tumultuous historical context they navigate. This heartwarming and emotional film will leave audiences captivated by the resilience of love even in the most challenging of times.
(Streaming service page format)
Title: The Crossing 2
Genre: Historical Drama
Release Year: 2015
Summary: Set in 1940s Taiwan and Shanghai, The Crossing 2 tells the intertwined love stories of three couples during the chaotic aftermath of the 1949 sinking of Taiping. From a forbidden love affair to a passionate relationship tested by war and a couple separated by the turmoil, this emotional film depicts the enduring power of love amidst adversity. Immerse yourself in this captivating historical drama and witness the sacrifices, struggles, and resilience of these couples as they navigate an era of uncertainty and danger.
Director: John Woo
Stars: Zhang Ziyi, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Song Hye Kyo
The first couple, Zhang Wenyan and Sister Hua, are faced with the challenges of a forbidden love affair due to social differences. Their relationship embodies the sacrifices and struggles many faced during this tumultuous period.
The second couple, Xiaozhen and Steward Hong, share a passionate love affair that is tested when Steward Hong enlists in the military. Their unwavering commitment to each other gives them strength in the face of uncertainty and danger.
The third couple, Xie Xiang and Feina, find themselves torn apart as they escape the war-torn Taiwan to seek refuge in Shanghai. Despite the physical distance, their love remains strong, and they cling to the hope of being reunited.
The Crossing 2 transports viewers back in time, offering a glimpse into the lives of these couples and the tumultuous historical context they navigate. This heartwarming and emotional film will leave audiences captivated by the resilience of love even in the most challenging of times.
(Streaming service page format)
Title: The Crossing 2
Genre: Historical Drama
Release Year: 2015
Summary: Set in 1940s Taiwan and Shanghai, The Crossing 2 tells the intertwined love stories of three couples during the chaotic aftermath of the 1949 sinking of Taiping. From a forbidden love affair to a passionate relationship tested by war and a couple separated by the turmoil, this emotional film depicts the enduring power of love amidst adversity. Immerse yourself in this captivating historical drama and witness the sacrifices, struggles, and resilience of these couples as they navigate an era of uncertainty and danger.
Director: John Woo
Stars: Zhang Ziyi, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Song Hye Kyo