The Congress is a thought-provoking science fiction film directed by Ari Folman. The story follows Robin Wright, an aging actress in a world where virtual reality reigns supreme. Facing a career decline, Robin's agent offers her a unique opportunity: to sell the rights to her digital image to a movie studio. This would allow the studio to create a virtual version of Robin that could be used in films forever, while the real Robin would never act again.
Reluctantly, Robin agrees, and 20 years later, she attends the Futurological Congress where her virtual self, Robina, is a superstar loved by millions worldwide. However, the real world has drastically changed. Society has embraced virtual reality to escape the harsh realities of existence. Robin embarks on a mind-bending journey filled with strange characters and surreal landscapes.
The Congress explores themes of identity, the price of fame, and the consequences of technology on society and personal relationships. Through stunning animation and live-action sequences, the film presents a visually striking and intellectually stimulating experience.
With a mesmerizing performance by Robin Wright, The Congress blurs the line between reality and imagination, challenging viewers to question the nature of reality and the choices we make in an ever-changing digital world.
Also Known As:
The CongressRelease Date:
24 Jul 2014Writers:
Stanislaw Lem, Ari FolmanAwards:
10 wins & 12 nominations