In The Cloverfield Paradox (2018), a team of scientists is stationed on a spaceship orbiting a planet on the verge of a devastating war. Their mission is to test a revolutionary device that could provide a solution to the Earth's energy crisis. However, when the scientists activate the device, it has unexpected and terrifying consequences. They find themselves transported to a parallel reality, where their ship is in constant danger and they encounter disturbing phenomena.
As the crew struggles to understand what has happened and how to get back home, they must confront their deepest fears and the sinister forces that surround them. They soon realize that their experiment has not only threatened their own lives but also the fate of the entire world, as the line between reality and fiction blurs.
The Cloverfield Paradox is a gripping sci-fi thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Directed by Julius Onah, it continues the tense and mysterious narrative established in the previous Cloverfield films. The movie features a talented ensemble cast including Gugu Mbatha-Raw, David Oyelowo, Daniel Brühl, and Chris O'Dowd. With its mind-bending storyline and unexpected twists, The Cloverfield Paradox offers a thrilling and suspenseful viewing experience for fans of the Cloverfield series and sci-fi enthusiasts alike.
Also Known As:
The Cloverfield ParadoxRelease Date:
04 Feb 2018Writers:
Oren Uziel, Doug JungAwards:
1 nomination