The Chumscrubber is a riveting dark comedy that delves into the complex lives of a group of teenagers in a seemingly idyllic suburban town. The story revolves around Troy, a charismatic teenager who becomes the supplier of feel good pills to his entire high school. His motive behind this is to spread happiness among his peers. However, things take a tragic turn when Troy is found hanged during one of his mother's pool parties by his friend Dean.
Following Troy's death, three local teens – Billy, Lee, and Crystal – become desperate to get their hands on his stash of pills, believing it will improve their own lives. They realize that Dean, who found Troy's lifeless body, is the only one who knows where the pills are hidden. Determined to acquire the drugs, the trio resorts to kidnapping Dean's younger brother.
As the story unfolds, the teens soon discover their grave mistake - they have abducted the wrong child. With the situation spiraling out of control, an unlikely alliance forms between Billy, Lee, and Crystal as they navigate the consequences of their actions while trying to rectify their mistake.
The Chumscrubber offers a thought-provoking exploration of the pressures and complexities of teenage life in a visually stunning and darkly humorous manner. With its engaging storyline and talented ensemble cast, this film is an intriguing must-watch for fans of coming-of-age dramas and dark comedies.