The Christmas Promise (2021) is a heartwarming holiday film that follows the story of a woman who tragically loses her fiancé during the Christmas season. In an effort to move forward, she hires a carpenter to complete the new home they were building together, with the intention of selling it. As the carpenter works on the project, a mysterious turn of events unfolds when the woman's heartfelt text, where she poured out her grief to her late fiancé's old number, is unexpectedly answered.
This unexpected response leads the woman to form a unique connection with the person on the other end of the line. As they continue to exchange messages, they find solace in each other during the difficult holiday season. Alongside this unexpected friendship, the woman and the carpenter begin to bond on a deeper level as they share their personal stories and experiences.
As the holiday season approaches, the woman must confront her feelings of loss, grief, and the possibility of new love. The Christmas Promise is a touching tale about healing, second chances, and the power of unexpected connections during the holiday season. Will this unforeseen connection lead to a new chapter in the woman's life, or will she remain stuck in her grief?
Experience the magic of the holiday season and discover the transformative power of love with The Christmas Promise.
Also Known As:
The Christmas PromiseRelease Date:
30 Oct 2021Writers:
Kathy Kloves