Join the lovable Care Bears as they embark on a heartwarming adventure in The Care Bears Movie (1985). When two troubled siblings, who have just moved to a new town, befriend the Care Bears, they discover a neglected young magician's apprentice in need of their help. This apprentice has unwittingly unleashed sinister events with his evil spell book, and it's up to the Care Bears to set things right.
As the Care Bears rally together with the siblings to aid the young apprentice, they must overcome challenges and work together to defeat the darkness looming over the town. Through friendship, compassion, and teamwork, the Care Bears and their new friends strive to bring happiness and harmony back to the community.
Experience the magic and charm of The Care Bears Movie as the Care Bears spread love and positivity while teaching valuable life lessons along the way. Join them on their enchanting journey as they show that kindness and caring can conquer any obstacle.
Also Known As:
The Care Bears MovieRelease Date:
29 Mar 1985Writers:
Peter Sauder, Linda Edwards, Muriel FahrionAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations