In the heartwarming family adventure film The Borrowers (1997), meet the tiny inhabitants of a house, the Borrowers, who live unseen under its floorboards. Clocking in at just four inches tall, these little people navigate their surroundings, quietly borrowing the items they need to survive. However, their peaceful existence is threatened when the owner of their home passes away, leaving the house vulnerable to the sinister plans of the greedy lawyer, Ocious P. Potter.
Determined to protect their beloved abode, the Borrowers enlist the help of Pete, the owner's son, who sympathizes with their plight. Together, they join forces in a daring fight against Potter's evil intentions. In their quest to save their home, the Borrowers showcase their ingenuity and resourcefulness, finding creative solutions to overcome the many obstacles thrown their way.
This charming film strikes a perfect balance between heartwarming family moments and exciting, pulse-pounding action. It reminds audiences of the importance of standing up for what is right, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be. Join the Borrowers on their extraordinary adventure, filled with laughter, thrills, and a dash of magic. The Borrowers is a delightful and captivating film that the whole family can enjoy.
Also Known As:
The BorrowersRelease Date:
13 Feb 1998Writers:
Mary Norton, Gavin Scott, John KampsAwards:
Nominated for 2 BAFTA 1 win & 4 nominations total