The Assassin's Code is a thrilling crime thriller that follows a rookie detective named Michael Connelly, the son of a disgraced cop, as he embarks on his first major case. Determined to restore his family's name, Michael finds himself under the constant observation of an enigmatic and deadly assassin.
As Michael delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that reaches high into the ranks of law enforcement. With each step he takes, Michael grows closer to the truth while also becoming a target himself.
Throughout the film, the mysterious assassin, known only as The Ghost, silently watches over Michael, weaving in and out of the shadows. As Michael struggles to navigate this dangerous world of treachery and violence, he must also confront his own demons and face the sins of his father's past.
With its tense and gripping storyline, The Assassin's Code keeps viewers on the edge of their seat from start to finish. The film explores themes of loyalty, honor, and redemption, all while delivering heart-pounding action sequences and unexpected plot twists.
Featuring outstanding performances and stunning cinematography, The Assassin's Code is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers.
Also Known As:
The Assassin's CodeRelease Date:
03 May 2019Writers:
Edward Lee Cornett, Valerie Grant