The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster (2023) is a captivating and emotional film that showcases the story of Vicaria, a brilliant teenage protagonist who firmly believes that death is merely a curable disease. The film takes a thrilling turn when Vicaria's brother becomes a victim of a brutal murder, and she becomes determined to bring him back to life.
Driven by her unyielding determination, Vicaria sets off on a dangerous and perilous journey, risking everything to find a way to resurrect her beloved brother. Along the way, she encounters various challenges and obstacles that test her resolve and push her to her limits.
This groundbreaking film beautifully explores themes of grief, loss, and the tenacity of the human spirit. It highlights the profound bond between siblings and delves into the power of love and resilience in the face of unimaginable tragedy.
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster is a meticulously crafted cinematic masterpiece that will keep viewers engaged from start to finish. With its thought-provoking storyline and compelling characters, it promises to evoke a wide range of emotions and leave a lasting impact on its audience.
Prepare to be captivated by this unforgettable journey of a young girl's unwavering determination to defy the boundaries of life and death and bring back the one person who means everything to her.
Also Known As:
The Angry Black Girl and Her MonsterRelease Date:
23 Jun 2023Writers:
Bomani J. StoryAwards:
2 wins & 5 nominations