In The 8th Night (2021), a thrilling horror film, viewers are introduced to a monk who embarks on a dangerous mission to defeat an ancient evil spirit that is possessing humans and causing chaos on Earth. Armed with prayer beads and an ax, the monk navigates a complex journey filled with mystery and suspense as he seeks to vanquish this malevolent force. As the spirit continues to wreak havoc on unsuspecting victims, the monk must race against time to stop its destructive rampage before it's too late.
Bringing together elements of supernatural horror and religious mythology, The 8th Night offers a unique and captivating storyline that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With stunning visuals and intense action sequences, this film delivers a gripping and chilling viewing experience that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. Don't miss out on this exhilarating cinematic journey into the unknown as the monk battles against evil in a fight for humanity's survival.
Also Known As:
The 8th NightRelease Date:
02 Jul 2021Writers:
Kim Tae-Hyung, Kim Tae-hyung