In The 6th Friend (2016), six college best friends reunite for a private graduation party that takes a horrifying turn when an unexpected guest crashes the festivities. Five years later, the nightmare continues as the girls come together once more, only to face an even more terrifying evening of horror and bloodshed. As secrets are unveiled and loyalties are tested, the group must fight to survive the night and uncover the sinister truth behind their past trauma. With tensions mounting and paranoia gripping the group, it becomes clear that they cannot trust anyone, not even each other. Will the friends be able to unravel the mysteries of the past and escape the clutches of their unknown enemy, or will they fall victim to the horrors that haunt them once again? The 6th Friend is a suspenseful and chilling tale of survival, friendship, and betrayal that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Also Known As:
The 6th FriendRelease Date:
11 Jan 2019Writers:
Jamie Bernadette, Letia CloustonAwards:
7 wins & 6 nominations