In the Norwegian thriller Thale, estranged friends Leo and Elvis find themselves in the middle of a mysterious and dangerous situation. Leo, a crime-scene cleaner, and Elvis, a hired-hand, venture deep into the Norwegian woods to clean up a messy casualty. However, their routine job takes a terrifying turn when Elvis discovers a hidden passage leading to an underground living space. In this hidden space, they encounter Thale, a beautiful young woman who possesses a special talent: she can sing but cannot speak.
Leo and Elvis become intrigued by Thale and are concerned for her well-being. Little do they know that Thale is being pursued by others who are determined to capture her. As Leo and Elvis struggle to protect Thale from her pursuers, they find themselves facing unexpected dangers and deadly confrontations.
Thale is a suspenseful and atmospheric film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. It explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the lengths people will go to protect those they care about. With a captivating storyline and stunning cinematography, Thale offers a unique blend of mystery and fantasy that will leave audiences guessing until the very end. Get ready for a thrilling and chilling journey into the depths of the Norwegian woods with Thale.