In the Swedish-dubbed version of the 1999 animated film Tarzan, viewers are transported into a world where a man raised by gorillas, must grapple with his identity and where he truly belongs. As Tarzan embarks on a journey of self-discovery, he uncovers the truth about his human origins and is faced with a decision that will shape his future.
The captivating storyline follows Tarzan as he navigates the complexities of his dual identity, torn between the world of humans and the family of gorillas who raised him. Filled with heartwarming moments, breathtaking animation, and memorable songs, this timeless Disney classic explores themes of family, belonging, and acceptance.
Join Tarzan on his emotional and thrilling adventure as he confronts his past, embraces his heritage, and ultimately finds his place in the world. With stunning visuals and a compelling narrative, Tarzan (SweDub) is a must-watch for audiences of all ages. Discover the power of self-discovery and the importance of embracing one's true self in this unforgettable tale of love and acceptance.
Also Known As:
TarzanRelease Date:
18 Jun 1999Writers:
Tab Murphy, Bob Tzudiker, Noni WhiteAwards:
Won 1 Oscar. 11 wins & 23 nominations total