In the heart-pounding thriller Tape 407 (2012), a group of survivors emerges as the heroes of a horrifying plane crash. However, their relief is short-lived as they discover they have crash-landed within the restricted boundaries of a government testing area. As they navigate this treacherous territory, they soon realize that they are not alone. Inexplicable and aggressive predators lurk in the shadows, and the group's only hope of escape is to outwit and outrun these deadly creatures.
Tape 407 takes audiences on a terrifying journey as the survivors are relentlessly pursued by these unknown predators. The tension intensifies as they attempt to find a way out while avoiding being torn apart by the vicious creatures. With every step they take, their chances of survival diminish, and they must rely on their courage and resourcefulness to stay one step ahead.
This pulse-pounding film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they become immersed in the desperate struggle for survival. With breathtaking visuals and a gripping storyline, Tape 407 offers a thrilling and suspenseful cinematic experience. Prepare to be captivated by the relentless pursuit of the survivors and their fight for freedom, as they navigate a treacherous landscape and encounter unimaginable horrors.
Also Known As:
Area 407Release Date:
21 May 2012Writers:
Robert Shepyer, Suzanne DeLaurentiis, Dale Fabrigar