Sydney White is a refreshing modern twist on the classic fairy tale of Snow White, set amidst the vibrant world of college life. The story revolves around Sydney White, a clever and determined young woman who enters college eager to make a fresh start. However, she soon discovers that life in the greek system is filled with elitism and hierarchy, making it challenging for outsiders like her to fit in.
As Sydney sets out to challenge the status quo, she finds solace in a group of seven misfit friends who become her loyal companions. Together, they embark on a mission to bring down the reigning queen bee, Rachel, and her snobby sorority sisters.
Throughout her journey, Sydney learns valuable lessons about friendship, inner strength, and self-discovery. With her infectious charm and wit, she inspires others to be true to themselves and embrace their uniqueness, proving that beauty isn't just skin deep.
Sydney White is a heartwarming and empowering film that tackles themes of identity, acceptance, and overcoming adversity. It reminds us that true beauty lies in embracing our individuality and standing up for what we believe in. With its relatable characters and inspiring message, this delightful comedy is sure to captivate audiences of all ages.
Also Known As:
Sydney WhiteRelease Date:
21 Sep 2007Writers:
Chad Gomez Creasey