Set in Nazi Germany, just before the outbreak of World War II, Swing Kids portrays a gripping story of young rebellious teenagers who find refuge and freedom in the world of forbidden swing music. The film centers around Peter, a popular member of the Hitler Youth, and his best friend Thomas, an aspiring jazz dancer. Despite their involvement with the Nazi regime, both are drawn to the exhilarating rhythm and energy of swing music, which becomes their secret passion.
As the Nazi party tightens its grip on Germany, swing music and its associated cultures are deemed subversive and dangerous. The teenagers, known as the Swing Kids, face a dangerous decision – to conform or resist. Their love for swing music becomes a form of escapism as they reject the oppressive Nazi ideology, dancing their way into the night, and expressing their yearning for freedom.
Directed by Thomas Carter and featuring a talented young cast, Swing Kids skillfully blends historical drama and powerful musical performances. The film highlights the struggles of adolescence, friendship, and identity, against a backdrop of political turmoil and oppression. The captivating story reveals the consequences faced by these teenagers as they navigate a world consumed by fascist ideology and warfare.
This thought-provoking tale showcases the resilience and defiance of youth against a backdrop of cultural repression and societal conformity. Swing Kids serves as a reminder of the power of music, friendships, and personal expression, even in the darkest of times.
Also Known As:
Swing KidsRelease Date:
05 Mar 1993Writers:
Jonathan Marc FeldmanAwards:
1 win & 1 nomination