Suzume (2022) is a thrilling modern action adventure film that follows the journey of a courageous 17-year-old girl named Suzume. Set in Japan, Suzume finds herself unexpectedly thrown into a dangerous mission when she encounters a mysterious young man who seeks her help in closing doors that have been unleashing disasters across the country.
As Suzume joins forces with the enigmatic stranger, they embark on an epic road trip that takes them to various locations in Japan. Along the way, they encounter a series of heart-stopping challenges and face powerful enemies who will stop at nothing to prevent them from completing their mission.
Driven by an unwavering determination to save her homeland from devastating catastrophes, Suzume utilizes her intelligence and resourcefulness to navigate through treacherous situations. Alongside her newfound ally, she must unravel the secrets behind the doors and discover the truth about their origin.
With breathtaking action sequences, mesmerizing cinematography, and a captivating storyline, Suzume grips viewers from start to finish. Filled with unexpected twists and suspenseful moments, this film guarantees an adrenaline-fueled experience that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey as Suzume fights against time to seal the doors and protect Japan from imminent destruction in this extraordinary action-packed adventure.
Also Known As:
SuzumeRelease Date:
14 Apr 2023Writers:
Makoto ShinkaiAwards:
1 win & 2 nominations