Sunshine Cleaning (2008) follows the story of a determined mother who embarks on a unique business venture to support her son's education. Struggling to afford private school tuition, she teams up with her unpredictable sister to create a biohazard removal and crime scene clean-up service. As they navigate the challenges of their unusual profession, they confront their own personal demons and family dynamics.
The film delves into themes of family, resilience, and the complexities of relationships. With a blend of humor and heart, Sunshine Cleaning offers a poignant exploration of the bond between sisters and the lengths a mother will go to for her child. Through the ups and downs of their business endeavors, the characters face emotional growth and self-discovery, leading to moments of both laughter and reflection.
Directed by Christine Jeffs and featuring a talented cast including Amy Adams and Emily Blunt, Sunshine Cleaning is a heartfelt and uplifting film that showcases the strength of family bonds and the pursuit of a better future.
Also Known As:
Sunshine CleaningRelease Date:
17 Apr 2009Writers:
Megan HolleyAwards:
2 wins & 6 nominations