In the movie Sunburned (2019), 13-year-old Claire finds herself feeling isolated and neglected by her family during a holiday in Spain. As she navigates her own feelings of loneliness, she encounters a young Senegalese beach vendor who is struggling in his own way. Determined to help him escape his misery, Claire forms a connection with him, leading to a touching and powerful journey of self-discovery and empathy.
Sunburned explores themes of isolation, family dynamics, and the importance of human connection. The film delves into the emotional complexities of adolescence and the impact of reaching out to others in need. In a poignant and heartfelt way, the story unfolds as Claire and the young vendor form a bond that transcends cultural barriers and reveals the true power of compassion and understanding.
Sunburned is a thought-provoking film that showcases the beauty of human connection and the resilience of the human spirit. Through its compelling narrative and authentic performances, the movie leaves a lasting impression on viewers, highlighting the power of empathy and kindness in a world that often feels disconnected.
Also Known As:
SunburnedRelease Date:
02 Jul 2020Writers:
Carolina HellsgårdAwards:
3 nominations