In Sudden Death, a thrilling 1995 action film, a retired fireman named Darren McCord becomes the unlikely hero in a high-stakes hostage situation. Set during the nail-biting seventh game of the NHL Stanley Cup finals, a group of ruthless terrorists targets the Vice President and other prominent figures in an attempt to execute a diabolical plan. With time running out and lives hanging in the balance, McCord must muster all his skills and courage to confront the assailants and save the day.
Directed by Peter Hyams, Sudden Death combines heart-pumping suspense with gripping action sequences, captivating viewers from start to finish. Jean-Claude Van Damme delivers a riveting performance as McCord, showcasing his physical prowess and determination while tackling the dangerous criminals. The film's intense climax takes place within the confines of Pittsburgh's Civic Arena, adding an extra layer of tension.
This fast-paced and adrenaline-fueled movie offers a unique blend of thrilling sports action and high-stakes suspense, making it a must-watch for fans of the action genre. Sudden Death stands out as an engaging and entertaining film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the final credits roll.
Also Known As:
Sudden DeathRelease Date:
22 Dec 1995Writers:
Karen Elise Baldwin, Gene Quintano