Stuntman is a thrilling documentary that takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey alongside professional stuntman Eddie Braun. Directed by Kurt Mattila, this captivating film delves into the exhilarating world of Hollywood stunts and showcases Braun's relentless pursuit of the most dangerous stunt ever attempted in cinematic history.
The documentary offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the immense preparation and unwavering determination required to execute such a high-risk feat. Eddie Braun, known for his daredevil exploits, sets a goal to successfully recreate a notorious jump attempted by his childhood hero, Evel Knievel.
As the film unfolds, viewers become intimately connected to Braun as he navigates the physical, mental, and emotional challenges of his dangerous undertaking. We witness his rigorous training, preparation, and collaborations with experts in order to ensure the stunt's success. Meanwhile, Braun confronts fears and doubts, ultimately proving that the pursuit of one's dreams can overcome any obstacle.
Stuntman paints a vivid picture of the adrenaline-fueled world of stunts while exploring Braun's motivation and the personal sacrifices he makes along the way. This documentary is a gripping testament to the indomitable spirit and resilience required to achieve greatness.
Also Known As:
StuntmanRelease Date:
23 Jul 2021Awards:
1 win & 1 nomination