Strike (2019) is an exhilarating animated adventure that follows the journey of a determined young mole on a mission to save his hometown gold mine from a notorious villain, known as 'The Boss'. With his indomitable spirit and unwavering determination, the young mole sets out to achieve his impossible dream of becoming a footballer.
Set in a charming mining town, this heartwarming tale explores themes of perseverance, friendship, and the power of believing in oneself. Our protagonist faces numerous challenges along the way, but with the help of his newfound friends, he navigates through thrilling escapades and impressive football matches.
As the stakes rise, viewers are taken on an immersive journey that showcases the mole's unwavering bravery and heroism. Through stunning animation and captivating storytelling, Strike brings to life a world filled with vibrant characters and breathtaking landscapes.
This family-friendly film is an enchanting blend of action, comedy, and heartwarming moments that will captivate audiences of all ages. With its powerful message of hope and the importance of fighting for what you believe in, Strike is sure to inspire and uplift viewers.
Join the mole on his epic quest to become a footballing legend and protect his beloved home in this thrilling and unforgettable animated adventure.