In Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, Chun-Li is leading a peaceful life with her father, until the ruthless mob boss, Bison, kidnaps him. Compelled by her mother's tragic death at the hands of Bison, Chun-Li sets out on a mission to save her father from the clutches of this powerful criminal lord.
Unleashing her hidden abilities, Chun-Li seeks guidance from a wise mentor named Gen, who trains her in the fierce art of combat. With the help of her newfound skills and Gen's wisdom, Chun-Li is determined to bring down Bison and rescue her beloved father.
Throughout her journey, Chun-Li encounters a diverse range of allies and enemies, including detective Nash, who is also on a mission to bring down Bison. Together, they uncover the dark secrets and corruption that lie within Bison's criminal empire.
As Chun-Li delves deeper into the dangerous underworld of crime and violence, she discovers the true strength of her spirit and the importance of fighting for justice. Will she be able to overcome Bison's ruthless reign and save her father?
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li is an action-packed film that explores the origin story of one of the iconic characters from the Street Fighter franchise. It showcases the beloved character's determination, martial arts skills, and unwavering courage as she battles against evil forces.